We are all ordinary people that we meet a lot and a lot of people everyday. Tall, thin, short, fat, round, square and triangle; especially while we are in the shopping mall.
I have a group of friends and even my colleagues, we always discuss and analyse what beauty is.
Well, it is fantastic, especially the process. Everybody has their own opinion on what is beauty. Hair style, make up, dressing and body language.
We have done some of the research on the field; no matter where we are. Just bear in mind that, never judge on your family members; or else vandalism & violence might happen.
I have come out a conclusion where tested with most of my friends and agreed by them. (Don't blame or sue me, as it is agreed by many parties... :D)
1. Hair style
2. Face
3. Make up
4. Body shape
5. Dressing
6. Body language
First, hair style. Long or short doesn't matter as long as it matched with the face and dressing. Of course, for a normal guy, long hair girl always the dream girl.
....to be continue...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Found a very interesting story & met with a very interesting people.
I have my lunch at a food court. When I was having & enjoying my lunch, a girl with a file came to me.
She asked 'Excuse me, may I have a few minutes with you?' Then, I answered her that I'm not free & rushing.
Interesting part is - she asked 'do you know what I want to say? I haven't told you yet.'
Hahaha. True. She haven't say a single word yet. I have rejected her without giving her a chance.
Most of us know, when someone approach you at the food court or food stall - first thing come to mind, they want something from us.
This is the society education. A message come to us, we will directly reject it if we are not ready to help. I prefer this way rather than wasting people time explain to you the whole story and at the same time, wasting your own time.
I did not gave her the chance as I know, the questions / reasons she want to say - donation for poor children at Africa or Indonesia, donation to the orphan or old folks home, donation for helping a sick person, either one will be the reason.
Why did we give a chance when we are suspect on the person trustworthiness? All the questions the person want to asked, that's only one answer they want - money, money from your pocket.
Maybe they are good, they are really helping others. But, newspapers, TV, Radio & all media keep on informing us that do not fully trust on your known friends & couple. Then, why we need to give a chance to the incognizance people to approach us? It may hurt, deeply.
I'm the type of person, I do not like to give donation or good to others when I'm in the public. As nowadays, a lot of devils using this chance to 'earn' money as well as taking your life away.
As a first-aider, rule no.1 to save a life - protect and make sure yourself are safe before saving others life.
I have my lunch at a food court. When I was having & enjoying my lunch, a girl with a file came to me.
She asked 'Excuse me, may I have a few minutes with you?' Then, I answered her that I'm not free & rushing.
Interesting part is - she asked 'do you know what I want to say? I haven't told you yet.'
Hahaha. True. She haven't say a single word yet. I have rejected her without giving her a chance.
Most of us know, when someone approach you at the food court or food stall - first thing come to mind, they want something from us.
This is the society education. A message come to us, we will directly reject it if we are not ready to help. I prefer this way rather than wasting people time explain to you the whole story and at the same time, wasting your own time.
I did not gave her the chance as I know, the questions / reasons she want to say - donation for poor children at Africa or Indonesia, donation to the orphan or old folks home, donation for helping a sick person, either one will be the reason.
Why did we give a chance when we are suspect on the person trustworthiness? All the questions the person want to asked, that's only one answer they want - money, money from your pocket.
Maybe they are good, they are really helping others. But, newspapers, TV, Radio & all media keep on informing us that do not fully trust on your known friends & couple. Then, why we need to give a chance to the incognizance people to approach us? It may hurt, deeply.
I'm the type of person, I do not like to give donation or good to others when I'm in the public. As nowadays, a lot of devils using this chance to 'earn' money as well as taking your life away.
As a first-aider, rule no.1 to save a life - protect and make sure yourself are safe before saving others life.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Three Kingdoms
Three Kingdoms - a story of the hero - Zhao ZiLong.
Director: Daniel Lee
Cast: Andy Lau, Maggie Q, Vanness Wu, Samo Hung.
Sad to say, Zhao is different from the poster. In a way, he is not as handsome as in the poster. Why? You should watch this movie and you will know why. Hahaha.
This movie is similar to the '300'. And this is the Chinese version. Of course story & background is different, but the feel almost the same, which is the movie I will only watch once.
It is a good movie. But it is not the movie I will watch it, repeat & repeat.
The only message I remember from this movie is - what is the reason you fight?
Yes. What is the reason we need to study and working? There are a lot of problems, troubles, obstacles happen daily, why we still want to fight to survive? What is the reason we want to be rich? Because happy? Family? Or other reasons? And what makes us change? Maybe we need to have a time to think about it; the reasons for us to be us.
Director: Daniel Lee
Cast: Andy Lau, Maggie Q, Vanness Wu, Samo Hung.
*Picture taken from Golden Screen Cinema website.
The story goes round with the life of Zhao. Start from joining as Lord Liu's warrior until the last moment of his life. And, this movie is in Mandarin.
For me, this movie is just a summary of the life of Zhao. Short and not detail enough. Understand that it is just a 1 hour 45 mins movie, can't be too detail or else it should be a series.Sad to say, Zhao is different from the poster. In a way, he is not as handsome as in the poster. Why? You should watch this movie and you will know why. Hahaha.
This movie is similar to the '300'. And this is the Chinese version. Of course story & background is different, but the feel almost the same, which is the movie I will only watch once.
It is a good movie. But it is not the movie I will watch it, repeat & repeat.
The only message I remember from this movie is - what is the reason you fight?
Yes. What is the reason we need to study and working? There are a lot of problems, troubles, obstacles happen daily, why we still want to fight to survive? What is the reason we want to be rich? Because happy? Family? Or other reasons? And what makes us change? Maybe we need to have a time to think about it; the reasons for us to be us.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Launch @ 2 April 2008
A good place always give us a good feeling. More and more building, especially the hotel, renovated as luxury as they can. Besides the luxury, they give you a brand new home, a fresh environment where create teh feeling - your status is higher if you stay in the hotel.

How is it? 'Luxury' feel? There are more...

Last...but not least, there are 6 ladies wearing in green as the representative for the brand & holding the product.

Guess what, have a look for the photo below that I took during the launch of the new food supplement - Olivenol livin' BEGIN.

How is it? 'Luxury' feel? There are more...

Waoo... a 'live band'. Have you ever in a hotel that has live band? Yes. You may stay in this type of hotel before.
But, the photo above doesn't belongs to any hotel. It is a hospital. Yes, you are right. It is a medical centre. Have you ever walked into a hospital like this? This is my first time. Thanks to all, I was there just to attend a launch & press conference. (Hopefully never & never stay in this 'hotel')...hahaha...
This is a good product. It is the food supplement. Olivenol livin' BEGIN is extracted from the juice of organic olive. Its potency is 300 times more than the finest extra-virgin olive oil.
This product helps in providing 5 main action - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-ageing, anti-bacterial & anti-UV damage. It is available in the the pharmacy. I get a free product after the press conference!! :p

Well, they are serving good & nice food after the press conference. However, I forgot to take some photo of the desserts, the desserts are very very sweet, even sweeter than the sugar.

I take 3 round of those food as I was waiting for the seminar for doctors that conducted by Prof Dr Roberto Crea. He is the founder for Olivenol livin'. He is also a big big famous & well-known scientist. You can search for his info via net.

Last...but not least, there are 6 ladies wearing in green as the representative for the brand & holding the product.

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ah Long Pte Ltd
Jack Neo - nothing much to descirbe on him, but just a very good director.
His movies always carry the important messages to us while we are laughing or crying. I love his movies. Each of his movie is meaningful and is true or truth.
I am not stupid 1 & 2 - I'm sure almost all people who watched & understand the language will like it. Meaningful yet education. I do agree on what he captured on the screen as we can really see it daily...(maybe once awhile =p)
His latest movie, Ah Long Pte Ltd - for me, it is 5 star movie. Those who know Jack Neo's movie style, humour is his symbol, his movie's charateristic.
I watched this movie few week ago when it was just on screen. A 2 hours movie, we (the whole cinema audiences) laugh for minimum 1.5 hours. Only about 30 minutes is serious scene.
Even though we laugh for almost whole movie, doesn't mean that it is meaningless. Yes, it does push some messages to us. Those who watched it and can't remember, please watch it again & again, repeat & repeat. the more we replay the movie, the more messages we found in it.
The storyline is start with Fann Wong - act as chairman for ah long group (hope this defination is right...hahaha). Her mother help & find her the potential husband where Mark Lee be the 'victim'.
Mark Lee as the dancer teacher who hate ah long, but married with ah long. His role or character a bit 'ah gua'. And, I like the words he keep mentioned in the movie; ask your mother to lay down, see whether I can make her pregnant.
Of course, this movie using the humour method to potray ah long as very good group that help poor people in financial solution, even come out a group theme. Also, to carry out the whole movie, gangs fight are the main stream story to excite as well as entertain the audiences.
In one of the incident, a couple died because of them where their daughter revenge at end of the movie.
A lot of songs, audio & visual effects have been used in this movie. Nevertheless, the best is still the script. We can feel the effort in writing the script & dialogue.
More than what I wrote, watch the movie is better than reading the review. Get your time, enjoy the show!
His movies always carry the important messages to us while we are laughing or crying. I love his movies. Each of his movie is meaningful and is true or truth.
I am not stupid 1 & 2 - I'm sure almost all people who watched & understand the language will like it. Meaningful yet education. I do agree on what he captured on the screen as we can really see it daily...(maybe once awhile =p)
His latest movie, Ah Long Pte Ltd - for me, it is 5 star movie. Those who know Jack Neo's movie style, humour is his symbol, his movie's charateristic.
I watched this movie few week ago when it was just on screen. A 2 hours movie, we (the whole cinema audiences) laugh for minimum 1.5 hours. Only about 30 minutes is serious scene.
Even though we laugh for almost whole movie, doesn't mean that it is meaningless. Yes, it does push some messages to us. Those who watched it and can't remember, please watch it again & again, repeat & repeat. the more we replay the movie, the more messages we found in it.
The storyline is start with Fann Wong - act as chairman for ah long group (hope this defination is right...hahaha). Her mother help & find her the potential husband where Mark Lee be the 'victim'.
Mark Lee as the dancer teacher who hate ah long, but married with ah long. His role or character a bit 'ah gua'. And, I like the words he keep mentioned in the movie; ask your mother to lay down, see whether I can make her pregnant.
Of course, this movie using the humour method to potray ah long as very good group that help poor people in financial solution, even come out a group theme. Also, to carry out the whole movie, gangs fight are the main stream story to excite as well as entertain the audiences.
In one of the incident, a couple died because of them where their daughter revenge at end of the movie.
A lot of songs, audio & visual effects have been used in this movie. Nevertheless, the best is still the script. We can feel the effort in writing the script & dialogue.
More than what I wrote, watch the movie is better than reading the review. Get your time, enjoy the show!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
BF, GF, Wife & Husband
What is BF & GF? and what is wife & husband?
One day, it suddently comes into my mind. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Do you own a handphone? How frequent do you change your phone? What model are you currently using?
Remember how & what you do when you just bought a new handphone? Yes, you explore it & keep it clean, frequently. Whenever you meet your friends, you show it off - especially you bought the latest & expensive one.
How about car... Are you own a car? Local or foreign? 1st-hand, 2nd-hand car or multi-hand car? Did you ever multified your car?
Well, you did the same things like you do to the new handphone. But, the duration shorter. To car, you are not as crazy as you treat to a phone. Why? Maybe the phone life-span is shorter, as we don't change the car as frequent as handphone, therefore we are more cherish of it.
Car is used for long-term. Handphone, sad to say 'it's only for a short while'.
Yes! Most of us answer 'Yes" for the statement above, especially the new generation nowadays.
As per what you all understand from the above, handphone represent to BF or GF. We always look for the best even when we already have one. Maybe you are not agree, but this is the fact - we can see it. Whenever you get a new or better one, you show it to your friends. You will proud to say "This is mine". You are in love & take care for the relationship, at the begining. However, the life-span is short. (WARNING: It depends on individuals)
You will start looking for a better & better than better one. Some people always change their phones looking for more & more new functions & design, but finally found that the previous one always suit them better - nothing much can do, it is history. Of course, you can look for the same model in the market or phone store - it is just different from the one you are using previously.
Car, is our long-life couple. You won't change it frequently, right? It is a long-term contract & ownership. Even, they may not be the best & suit you most, however you have chosen it. Due to the long-term contract restriction, some people choose to re-paint the car, modify the audio system, change the seat, add-on decoration items & small pillows or toys - just to make it stand out to represent your likes & character. Ask yourself, did you ever ask the car - do you want to be like this?
Some people choose to keep quiet & endure everything - good & bad. It is not right, too. If the car has the problem, fix it. Don't ever let the problems remain as it is; it will explode at last and treatening your life! Haha...
Let us think, re-think & re-think carefully...
We do have a choice, no matter how. Let us think carefully, analyze the pros & cons before we look for the new one and throw away the old one. Time never let us NG & take-two, so as a relationship.
One day, it suddently comes into my mind. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Do you own a handphone? How frequent do you change your phone? What model are you currently using?
Remember how & what you do when you just bought a new handphone? Yes, you explore it & keep it clean, frequently. Whenever you meet your friends, you show it off - especially you bought the latest & expensive one.
How about car... Are you own a car? Local or foreign? 1st-hand, 2nd-hand car or multi-hand car? Did you ever multified your car?
Well, you did the same things like you do to the new handphone. But, the duration shorter. To car, you are not as crazy as you treat to a phone. Why? Maybe the phone life-span is shorter, as we don't change the car as frequent as handphone, therefore we are more cherish of it.
Car is used for long-term. Handphone, sad to say 'it's only for a short while'.
Yes! Most of us answer 'Yes" for the statement above, especially the new generation nowadays.
As per what you all understand from the above, handphone represent to BF or GF. We always look for the best even when we already have one. Maybe you are not agree, but this is the fact - we can see it. Whenever you get a new or better one, you show it to your friends. You will proud to say "This is mine". You are in love & take care for the relationship, at the begining. However, the life-span is short. (WARNING: It depends on individuals)
You will start looking for a better & better than better one. Some people always change their phones looking for more & more new functions & design, but finally found that the previous one always suit them better - nothing much can do, it is history. Of course, you can look for the same model in the market or phone store - it is just different from the one you are using previously.
Car, is our long-life couple. You won't change it frequently, right? It is a long-term contract & ownership. Even, they may not be the best & suit you most, however you have chosen it. Due to the long-term contract restriction, some people choose to re-paint the car, modify the audio system, change the seat, add-on decoration items & small pillows or toys - just to make it stand out to represent your likes & character. Ask yourself, did you ever ask the car - do you want to be like this?
Some people choose to keep quiet & endure everything - good & bad. It is not right, too. If the car has the problem, fix it. Don't ever let the problems remain as it is; it will explode at last and treatening your life! Haha...
Let us think, re-think & re-think carefully...
We do have a choice, no matter how. Let us think carefully, analyze the pros & cons before we look for the new one and throw away the old one. Time never let us NG & take-two, so as a relationship.
1st April 2008
Well, it comes to another month again. First quater of 2008 - gone.
April's Fool. Everyday it is. Most of the people are wasting their time everyday to fool around.
I was repeating my daily life just like the music in a CD. Everyday same time same track. Repeat, repeat & nothing else but repeat. Working life should it be like this??
Wakeup early, go to office, turn on computer, contact client & suppplier, lunch, continue the work on morning, then OT again....reach home - sleeping.
Is this the life everybody like? For me, I doubt it. Of course, repeating life doesn't require to think a lots, repeat the same job will minimise the mistakes. But, this is not really the life I want.
At least, some time for me to rest, for me to escape & away from work. Some time for me to study, to do what I want to do. This comes to time management. Everybody told me that 'you need to manage your time', is it really easy to do when you need to face a lot & a lot of uncertainty & accident issues?
Someone has said, 'when you face the deadend, is time for you to go back to school'. Maybe school doesn't teach us how to solve a problem practically nor teach us how to success in life & career, however, school provide us a time - a time for us to think about, anything.
OMG, everybody is saying you are old, why go back to study - waste your time & money? Maybe they are right, but why not?
It's the time to make a move, for me.
April's Fool. Everyday it is. Most of the people are wasting their time everyday to fool around.
I was repeating my daily life just like the music in a CD. Everyday same time same track. Repeat, repeat & nothing else but repeat. Working life should it be like this??
Wakeup early, go to office, turn on computer, contact client & suppplier, lunch, continue the work on morning, then OT again....reach home - sleeping.
Is this the life everybody like? For me, I doubt it. Of course, repeating life doesn't require to think a lots, repeat the same job will minimise the mistakes. But, this is not really the life I want.
At least, some time for me to rest, for me to escape & away from work. Some time for me to study, to do what I want to do. This comes to time management. Everybody told me that 'you need to manage your time', is it really easy to do when you need to face a lot & a lot of uncertainty & accident issues?
Someone has said, 'when you face the deadend, is time for you to go back to school'. Maybe school doesn't teach us how to solve a problem practically nor teach us how to success in life & career, however, school provide us a time - a time for us to think about, anything.
OMG, everybody is saying you are old, why go back to study - waste your time & money? Maybe they are right, but why not?
It's the time to make a move, for me.
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