Monday, February 2, 2009

A Whole New Year 2009

Year 2009. It gives HOPE!

Everyone hope that the economy getting better. Everyone who work hope that they can remain in their position. Everyone who study hope that holiday never ends. But, someone like me is looking for a hope, a hope to grow own asset.

Yes, economy goes up and down, most of the time went down never climb up since 2008. From the point of view of some experts, the economy seems to be start recovery earlist by mid of 2009.

About half a year start from now, the time for me to prepare, as well as time for most of the old & new investors to study the stock market. Although nobody hope to see and want the world economy crisis to happen, but nevertheless there are groups of people ready to.

Why? As far as we know, from print, history and other records, economy crisis seem to be happen every decade. Unable to deny that there were great lost in the aspect of financial, especially those who own a lot of stock.

Meanwhile, there is a chance and a hope. A chance for those who have saving to be participate in the stock and investment. A hope for those who have extra money, willing and ready to be rich. During my gathering with some friends, most of us agree that this is the chance for us, the younger generation group to grow our asset, potentially. As we understand that, if we miss the chance right now, we might need to wait for another 10 year.

Economy crisis is good? or bad? I mean, it depends. Depends on every individual how they perceive the chance & crisis. I would prefer to see it as a new monopoly game where everyone start from a basic cashflow and at last, be rich or stay in the game, be your hand.

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