'Waoo'... is my first impression, not the movie but the people who line-up there. Full, no, is extremely over loaded with people. Everybody is crazy for this movie just like a free movie give away.
I queued for 30 mins to get 2 tickets. Sigh....
But, it is worth!! Iron Man is a damn good movie that nobody wants to miss it. And, it must be watched in cinema; if you buy DVD - please ensure your living room equiped with HiFi & complete surround system and a 60 inch big TV.
Iron Man - hopefully it is our future, i mean the technology not the weapon. 3D modelling & humanize computer. I was so excited at the scene Tony Stark designing the new Iron Man armor. It is better than the previous movie I watched - Paycheck. The technology is so advance and it is a dream for all the illustrator as well as architect & designer.
Visual effect for this also makes me excited where they seem like real fighting. Humour, a bit. Even my friend told me, this movie doesn't belong to Jackie Chan or Jet Li. JC's movies - humour, fighting & heroic. JL's movies - serious, fighting & justicial. Their common point is also the main selling point in this movie - fighting.
Two movies using different approach but share a same common feeling - the feel of you never want to miss it.
*Picture taken from Golden Screen Cinema website.
The story goes round with the life of Zhao. Start from joining as Lord Liu's warrior until the last moment of his life. And, this movie is in Mandarin.
For me, this movie is just a summary of the life of Zhao. Short and not detail enough. Understand that it is just a 1 hour 45 mins movie, can't be too detail or else it should be a series.This is a good product. It is the food supplement. Olivenol livin' BEGIN is extracted from the juice of organic olive. Its potency is 300 times more than the finest extra-virgin olive oil.
This product helps in providing 5 main action - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-ageing, anti-bacterial & anti-UV damage. It is available in the the pharmacy. I get a free product after the press conference!! :p
After the long break about a year...finally, I'm back.
I was searching for a direction to go. But, as been told, just be yourself.
Feeling, knowledge, opinion & many others think & thought comes to the mind, should it be just share? Of course, I think. See you then.